Comix Papers


Scott Parker

Scott Parker is the Editor of the Park Street Times Report. Along the side, he is trying to create a webcomic series, but doesn’t know what to make it about. He likes drawing random characters doing random extraordinary things, part of his inspiration is some of the antics him and his friends get up to. He has feelings for Abbey but hasn't had the guts yet to tell her how much he feels for her. Scott also writes the newspaper's technology section as he is highly skilled in computer technology. He once had chance to co-found a small computer company locally, but turned it down to follow in his father's footsteps.

Abbey Woods

Abbey Woods the Newspaper’s designer and local artist who secretly has a crush on Scott but hasn't told him; She likes doing paintings and drawings of various things such as her friends, their work and the town they live in. She also likes any water-based activity such as: Swimming, Sailing, and Water Skiing. When she is away from the ‘wet stuff’ she can be seen taking short walks around the park with her drawing pad drawing things that inspire her along the way.

Jack Helmsteadt

Jack Helmstedt is the paper’s on street reporter, he gets the story no matter what. Jack is also decended from a family of smugglers and traders of all descriptions. If you want something, he’ll get it for you. At a price of course. He is sneaky, charming at most, and happens to supply anything you can or cannot seen to get from the supermarket shelves. (Before anyone asks, he doesn't deal drugs of any description.)  He likes playing strategy games such as Checkers, Chess and Othello but also is very good at playing Poker and Monopoly. (Even though it has been suspected he cheats, it has been proven by cheat detectives and AI observers in casinos that he plays the game as fair as it can get.) Jack's family originates from Germany, despite himself born in Watford he still holds stong ties to his family's hometown of Steinstuken in West Berlin.
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Callum Evans

Callum Evans is the paper's main photographer; he mainly likes to take pictures of people and getting them to do various poses.

His family has a Welsh heritage and he is proud of it, he can speak the language and say Llanfairpwll before the teaspoon falls on to the floor.

(More yet to be Revealed!)

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